JBoss PortletSwap Contributor README

Through the remainder of this document, those uploading portlets or layouts to PortletSwap are considered "contributors".

General Information

As a contributor:

  • You maintain the copyright on your work.
  • You grant JBoss, Inc the right to distribute, display, and publicize your work in whole or in part, or in any form, without compensation. (It wouldn't be much of an exchange, otherwise)
  • You license your work however you want to. We are license agnostic.
  • You may upload commercial, free, shareware, etc... portlets and layouts.

Please make sure to adhere to every item in the checklist below or items you are contributing will not be categorized correctly, or even made available to the public!

Contributor Checklist

Contributing portlets and layouts:

  • Only submit portlets and layouts that work with JBoss Portal.
  • You must be the original author of the application or have written consent to distribute it.
  • You must place a license file in the uploaded archive. (e.g. LICENSE.txt)
  • You must include the appropriate deployment descriptors within the web archive.
  • You must verify the portlet works as intended using the deployment descriptors in the archive.
  • Please include any additional setup instructions, documentation, screenshots, etc... in the distributable archive.

If the above instructions are not adhered to, your submission will most likely be ignored, discarded, or ridiculed. ;-)

The JBoss Portal Team

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